Sky Breaks – an interactive walk by Amber Obasi and 皚桐 (Aí Tung)


Break, noun
The interruption of continuity or uniformity; a pause in work or during an activity or event.

What is the point of breaks? What happens when we look at the sky, the streets, passers by? What transformations can be ushered in through daydreams?

Sky Breaks an interactive piece of writing produced by Amber Obasi and 皚桐 (Aí Tung), and created in collaboration with Deptford residents. It explores these questions, using benches, bus-stops, low walls, and other public seating areas across Deptford to consider the power of public breaks. Not just as single moments of time, but as interconnected processes in the creation of change.

You are invited to immerse yourself in and be guided by these poems and recordings drawn from and inspired by Deptford.

The walk is based around x locations in Deptford. Amber and Aí have created new poetic sound works, designed specifically to be listened to at each of these sites. To take part, we encourage you to navigate your way to the different locations and listen to the pieces as you stop, reflect, and consider what we truly want when we’re not stuck in “business as usual”. Directions and a map to the locations are included below.


You can also follow the route on Google Maps, or download the route as a .gpx file.

Or download a map and directions, including a transcript of the poems (PDF). Printouts of the map will also be available from the Deptford Literature Festival Info Desk at Deptford Lounge on Saturday 29 March 2025.

Created and written by Amber Obasi
Production and sound design by 皚桐 (Aí Tung)

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Published 27 March 2025