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Keeping writing and creativity open to all 

In these unprecedented, difficult times, creativity and culture are where people turn for solace and comfort. The writers we work with have told us that they still want and value opportunities to create, write and connect, even to interpret the current situation by having time, space and support to write.

We have been working hard to move our regular programme of creative workshops and masterclasses online and to ensure that they are accessible. In recognition of the financial difficulties many people are facing, we are committed to offering the programme for free to all writers who are unable to pay.

We are inviting people who can to make a voluntary donation.

You can also sign up to our newsletter here.

Paying artists

Usually, our workshops and masterclasses cost around £45 with short courses starting from £90. This is because we are committed to fair and reasonable pay for both our staff, writers and industry experts. We aim to create inclusive accessible spaces for all writers to connect and create and are committed to providing the access support writers need, such as BSL interpreters.

Like many other charities, we are losing money for each day our offices and programmes are closed. But we are also looking around our local communities and seeing the immense hardship so many people are living through – particularly people who are poor, isolated and marginalised.

Support for underrepresented people

In keeping with our core purpose of supporting London’s under-represented writers, we are doing three things.

1) We are offering our new online programme for free to any writer who cannot afford to pay.

2) We are providing access support to any writer who needs it.

3) We are asking those who are able and willing to do so to make a donation of their choice.

Donations will be split 50/50 and support our work at Spread the Word while we cannot run face to face activities and the lifesaving work of the Trussell Trust, getting food to those who are most vulnerable.

Please give what you can. Thank you.

You can read more about the work of the Trussell Trust at

Thank you for supporting Spread the Word.

Single Donations

£5 one-off

Your support can help us reach more talented writers from diverse communities in London.

£10 one-off

You can help us to support the next generation of writers/ editors, to ensure publishing is more representative of our society.

£25 one-off

Your donation could help make our work accessible for all writers.

£50 one-off donation

Your generous donation will help us to make writing free and accessible to all  people who want to become writers.

£ any one-off

Anything you can donate to us will help us to keep our work free and accessible to London's communities.

Regular Donations

£5 monthly

Your support can help us make sure that talented writers from underprivileged backgrounds are given the chance to make their mark on the world.

£10 monthly

Your donation will help us support talented writers from under-represented communities to develop their craft.

£25 monthly

Your contribution could help us turn emerging writers into published writers.

£50 monthly

This generous donation will help us deliver our community and open-access programmes, bringing participatory writing workshops and opportunities into community spaces and making a positive difference to participants' health and wellbeing.

£ any monthly

Anything you can donate to us regularly will be enormously helpful in ensuring we can continue to offer free accessible programmes for the communities we engage and paid opportunities to the writers and creatives we work with.


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with Spread the Word’s news and opportunities.