Open Call: 30th Anniversary Commissions


Spread the Word is pleased to announce two new commissioning strands for London-based writers, developing new work as part of Spread the Words 30th Anniversary in 2025.

Emerging Writer Commissions are open to unagented and unpublished writers from underrepresented backgrounds, and judged by Olumide Popoola and Joelle Taylor. They are supported by The London Community Foundation and Cockayne – Grants for the Arts.

Deaf and Disabled Writer Commissions are open to writers facing disablist and/ or audist barriers, and judged by Ayesha Chouglay and Joe Rizzo Naudi.

Each programme offers mentoring and support to develop your work, as well as career development opportunities. Both commissioning programmes are now open for applications, and will close at 1pm, Monday 7th October 2024.

If eligible, writers are welcome to apply for both commissions. For more information, follow the links above. Information is available in audio and BSL formats.

Hear this information as audio or watch a BSL video version, or download as a Word document.