London Writers Awards Cohort 2 – 2019

London Writers Awards

The London Writers Awards is Spread the Words’ flagship writer development programme. Originally launched in 2018, the London Writers Awards aims to increase the number of writers from under-represented communities being taken up by agents and publishers. It has supported 120 writers and has become the most successful writer development scheme in the UK with 50 writers agented and over 35 book deals.

In a series of blog posts we will list the writers who completed the programme and the first books that they have published. You can find out more about the other cohorts on these links: Cohort 1 – 2018, Cohort 3 – 2021, Cohort 4 – 2022.

Commercial Fiction

Alex Marshall

Denise Rawls

Elliot F. Sweeney, The Next to Die, 2023

Henry Fry, First Time for Everything, 2022

Mark Mukasa

Pam Williams, A Trace of Sun, 2024

Literary Fiction

Adam Zmith, Deep Sniff, 2021

Christina Carè

Han Smith, Portraits at the Palace of Creativity and Wrecking, 2024

Isha Karki

Liam Konemann, The Appendix, 2021

Loretta Ramkissoon

Natasha Brown, Assembly, 2021

Peter J. Coles

Ruth Goldsmith

S. Niroshini, Darling Girl, 2021

Salma Ibrahim, Salutation Road, 2025

Taranjit Mander

Narrative Non-Fiction

Ahmed Hassan

Alexis Keir, Windward Family, 2023

F Fiaz

Sue Hann, Palingenesis: Reflections on Surviving Infertility, 2025

Zad El Bacha

YA/Children’s Fiction

Ayesha Braganza, The Royal Spy, 2023

Caroline Gardiner

Davina Tijani, Yomi and the Fury of Ninki Nanka, 2023

Michael Mann, Ghostcloud, 2021

Nadia Attia, Verge, 2023

Roi Campbell