Help Shape the Future of Spread the Word


Spread the Word is holding two focus group sessions on Tuesday 24 October in person at Deptford Lounge and Thursday 26 October online to learn more about the changing development needs for early-stage London-based writers from underrepresented backgrounds in progressing their craft and careers.

We will also be presenting options for a new development programme to follow on from the highly successful London Writers Awards. You can find out more about the Awards through this link:

By underrepresented we mean, people from the following communities:

  • Black, Asian, Global Majority

  • Deaf and disabled


  • Working Class upbringing

  • Care experienced

  • Experience of homelessness

  • On a low income (equal to the London Living Wage and/ or on benefits)

The dates and times of the sessions are:

  • In Person at Deptford Lounge on Tuesday 24 October from 7pm-9pm

  • Online Zoom on Thursday 26 October from 7pm-9pm

Participants will be paid £40 each for the in-person session and £30 each for the online session, which will be paid on receipt of an invoice after attending.


The online session will be BSL interpreted by Amy Hayward and Michelle Wood.

The focus group questions will be sent in advance.

They will be relaxed sessions.

For accessibility at Deptford Lounge, please go to this link:

How to sign up

If you would like to attend, please complete this short form by Friday 13 October:

We’re aiming to have between 10-15 people for each session, so we may have to make a decision on participation depending on how much interest we receive. We will be in touch with to confirm your place within 3 working days of the survey closing.

If you have any questions or require more information, please email


Published 25 September 2023