You Are Here – offering two – The Survivor Writers writing group
information and how to apply


‘You Are Here’ – peer to peer survivor writing – is Jet Moon’s second survivor writing platform with Spread the Word. Building on the previous Playing With Fire and funded by Arts Council England,‘You Are Here’ offers an expanded series of workshops, a writing group, and a new collaborative partnership with Wellcome Collection to curate a series of survivor writer interviews for the archive.

This page features information on offering two and how to apply. Find out more about the project as a whole here, or take a look at more information and how to apply for offering one – the half-day survivors’ workshop here.

Offering two – The Survivor Writers – writing group, five consecutive bi-monthly sessions

Jet says: “I decided to create a survivor writers writing group because I wanted to share space with my peers. This is a focused group for survivor writers who are developing a body of work and feel that they would benefit from an opportunity to meet regularly with other writers. Meeting twice a month for a series of five sessions, from Saturday October 21 to Saturday December 16 2023. This will be a space to share work, bring problems encountered in the writing process, to offer and receive care-full critique. Writers will be expected to produce writing for each session, which will be sent in advance of each group meeting. The group welcomes writers producing all forms of fiction, non-fiction, monologue and poetry.

It has been my experience that while as survivor writers we may come from a wide variety of backgrounds and have different experiences of survivorship; we often share similar resonant effects of our experiences. This writers group is an opportunity to share a rich space of exchange, support and creative work. Writers group members will be commissioned to produce a short piece of writing, which will be showcased on the Spread the Word website and added to the You Are Here Survivor Writers archive at Wellcome Collection.

In addition there are a small number of bursaries available to writers who have additional barriers to attendance: two Access Support Bursaries and two Working Class Bursaries.”

Who the group is for:
Women, non-binary and trans people who identify as survivors and live in the UK. The space will use an open definition of survivorship including but not limited to survival of sexual violence. There are many things people survive, including homophobia, racism and transphobia. This group is not open to cis men. The group is open to writers who are currently working on developing a piece of writing, or would produce some specifically for the sessions, and would like to share and receive feedback.

All writing forms are welcome; fiction, non-fiction, poetry, blogs, monologues, performance texts. Writing processes that are an important part of your self expression and survivorship. For the survivor writers group, it is expected that writers are developing a body of work, and would benefit from regular sharing and input as part of the group. The work does not have to be about what made you a survivor.

The writers group will meet every two weeks, for 5 sessions. These will take place on Saturday mornings from Saturday October 21 to Saturday December 16 2023. This time period will consist of two 1hr15min sessions with a half hour break in between. Over the course of the sessions participants will have time to read new work, bring current problems to the group and to receive input from peers. Writers group capacity is for 10 participants. Places are limited, so please do not apply if you feel you cannot commit to all 5 sessions.

Workshops will be BSL interpreted if appropriate to participants’ access needs.

Please tell us in your application what other access needs you may have, and how we could make the writers group more accessible for you.

A counsellor will be present during all sessions to offer private chat support. However, please bear in mind this writers group involves reading and listening to survivor writing which may include triggering material, we urge you to please consider your capacity to take care of yourself in this setting.

How to apply:
If you’d like to take part the writers group, please complete the submission form by 5pm on Friday 15 September.

All applications to the workshop will be looked at by Jet Moon and all applicants will be notified by Monday 2 October if they have a place.

There are several bursary places. If you wish to apply for bursary assistance, please fill out the relevant section in the application form.

If you have any questions about the writers-group or the application process please contact [email protected]

Read an overview of ‘You Are Here’:

Original Artwork for ‘You Are Here’ by Anka Dabrowska

Published Monday 17 July 2023