Getting to Where You Want to Be – Creative Coaching for Writers: December 2024

Are you at a crossroads in your creative career? Is your day job flourishing but your creative practice feeling the squeeze, or does a new creative opportunity need some thinking over? How about taking time-out to look afresh at where you are now and coming up with some new approaches? 

Getting to Where You Want to Be is a short coaching programme led by professional coach Kadija George. Through two 60-minute coaching sessions and a 20-minute introductory and a final follow-up phone call the coaching can help you untangle your thinking, clarify your goals and come up with a plan or next steps for action.  You can identify the skills, strengths and resources that you can use and look at how you might deal with obstacles and habits that hold you back.  From this discussion you will map out your route and steps to achieving your goals, be they longer term or more immediate.

Coaching is useful for writers at any stage of their creative career, whether you are starting out, mid-way or established – wherever a perspective and a plan is what you need.

Kadija’s role as coach is to listen to you and to prompt you with questions to help you generate ideas, find your own solutions and set yourself realistic steps forward.

Please note, as coaching is really about you finding your own answers, these sessions do not involve giving out advice and information; occasionally if relevant, Kadija may offer suggestions about advice or information resources.

When and Where 

Coaching can take place online, by phone or in person at Spread the Word as you prefer. After you have booked you will receive a confirmation email from Spread the Word, and we will do an introductory email to you and Kadija. The coaching will begin with a short questionnaire for you to fill then introductory phone call. The date on this page is indicative of when this call will be – but it will be confirmed once the coaching package has been purchased. In the initial phone call Kadija will set the date for your first full session with the second one taking place after four weeks.


Please do contact [email protected] to discuss your access needs or if you would like to discuss anything with Kadija before booking. This is especially advised if you have experienced a significant life event, such as bereavement or separation, in the past year.

Discounted rates 

London Writers Network members receive a 10% discount on Spread the Word’s paid programme of activities, and access to two free specially programmed London Writers Network events a year. You can find out more about the London Writers Network scheme here. If you are a London Writers Network member please login to receive your discount. To see if you are eligible for a concessionary rate, please take a look at our concessions policy. If you’d like to read our terms and conditions before booking, you can do so here or you can view them at the bottom of every page of our website.

About Kadija

Kadija George

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Kadija George is a literary activist who has worked in various literary and publishing fields. She is a co-director of Inscribe Writers Professional Development Progamme 

and is an RD1st (Relational Dynamics) accredited coach, working with writers and other people in the cultural and creative fields. 

Written description of photo 

A dark-skinned woman with dark, red lipstick and black and brown dreadlocks. She wears a black jacket with a white shirt collar. The photo has a grey and black blurred background.