Raise the stakes in your fiction with characters torn by conflict. An in-person workshop, part of Spread the Word's Developing Tutors series.
Now, more than ever, readers are looking to fiction to help make sense of the world. They won’t be able to resist turning the page when meeting characters facing difficult choices. Learn how to weave moral dilemmas into your stories to gain relevance— and watch your fiction soar to new heights.
What will you do in the workshop?
We’ll examine what a moral conundrum is, and the different types that exist. Drawing inspiration from famous storylines in fiction, we’ll combine with character to develop nuance, complexity, and conflict to help develop your story.
What can you expect?
Using brainstorming, and timed exercises – including freestyle ‘intuitive’ writing – we’ll get closer to the issue/s you’d like to explore with characters that best drive the narrative forward. This is a practical workshop with a handout to help enrich your understanding.
Who is this workshop for?
For aspiring novelists and intermediate short story writers. Bring with you a mental sketch of an existing character/s you’d like to develop, or an idea / theme you’re interested in.
This workshop is part of our Developing Tutors series.
What is Developing Tutors?
Developing Tutors is a series of free workshops delivered by London Writers Awards writers who are talented writers looking to grow their workshop delivery experience. We ask that you only book for one workshop in this season.
A note about this being free
This workshop has a limited capacity and is free to you. We ask that you only book a space if you are committed to attending. By doing this, you are supporting Spread the Word to continue to offer free workshops.
Access Notice
If you require BSL interpretation to take part, please email us at [email protected] by 30 September and we’ll try to secure BSL interpretation for you. Spread the Word will cover this cost.
We’ll send through any reading seven days in advance. We can create adapted handouts to writers attending our workshops and events by request.
If you have additional access needs or questions, please email us on [email protected]
About GOOD Agency
Good Agency is a purpose-driven strategy and creative agency.
About Nilesha
Nilesha Chauvet
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Nilesha Chauvet is a British-Indian novelist and short story writer. She writes zeitgeist psychological suspense and thriller. She is also the Managing Director of The GOOD Agency which advises commercial brands on Purpose, and helps charities raise millions of pounds for good causes.
A graduate of Faber Academy, Nilesha has studied novels and short story writing at Curtis Brown Creative and City Lit. She also read Philosophy & Theology at Oxford and was ordained an Interfaith Minister in 2004. In 2021, Nilesha was awarded a prestigious London Writers Award with Spread the Word to complete her debut novel. She is now represented by Nelle Andrew at Rachel Mills Literary.