CRIPtic x Spread the Word Salon – Exploring unreliable narration with Elspeth Wilson

CRIPtic x Spread the Word Salon with Elspeth Wilson and sharing spots if you'd like to share your work.

Image of Elspeth Wilson on left hand side, a white woman with long brown hair wearing a pink shirt, looking directly at the camera and smiling. To the right, the words connecting through creativity writers salon with Elspeth Wilson and logos for Spread the Word, CRIPtic Arts and City Bridge Foundation


About Elspeth’s workshop

This workshop will explore how we can use unreliable narration in fiction to heighten tension and explore characterisation.

Read your work at a sharing spot

There are five sharing spot slots available at the Salon and if you’d like to share your work please complete the following form by 11am, Friday 10 January:

You’ll be asked to provide your contact details and a short bio and the reading you will be doing which should be no longer than 5 minutes. This is so we can send the work to our BSL interpreters in advance of the session. You can submit these in written English, video or audio file format.

About Elspeth

Elspeth Wilson is a writer and poet who is interested in exploring the limitations and possibilities of the body through writing, as well as writing about joy and happiness from a marginalised perspective. Her nature writing has been shortlisted for Canongate’s Nan Shepherd Prize and Penguin’s Write Now scheme. Her debut poetry pamphlet, Too Hot to Sleep, is published by Written Off Publishing and was shortlisted for the Saltire Society’s 2023 Poetry Book of the Year Award. Her debut novel, These Mortal Bodies, is forthcoming with Simon and Schuster in 2025. She can usually be found in or near the sea.

Access Information

  • Auto-captions
  • Self Descriptions
  • BSL Interpretation
  • Comfort Breaks

With thanks to the City Bridge Foundation for supporting the CRIPtic x Spread the Word Salon and Connect through Connectivity.